代表性成果:主持国家自然科学基金、校内青年基金等项目。近5年以第一作者在The Plant Cell、New Phytologist和Plant Physiology等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文3篇,其它合作论文和专利4篇/项;SCI它引200余次。
1. Li Q#,Li H#, Yang Z, Cheng X, Zhao Y, Qin l, Bisseling T, Cao Q, Willemsen V* (2022). Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas sp. CM11 specifically induces lateral roots. New Phytologist 235:1575-1588 (IF=10.2).
2. Li H, Schilderink S, Cao Q, Kulikova O, Bisseling T* (2021). Plant-specific histone deacetylases are essential for early and late stages of Medicago nodule development. Plant Physiology 186(3): 1591-1605. (IF=8.3).
3. Li H, Torres-Garcia J, Latrasse D, Benhamed M, Schilderink S, Zhou W, Kulikova O, Hirt H, Bisseling T* (2017). Plant-specific histone deacetylases HDT1/2 regulate GIBBERELLIN 2-OXIDASE2 expression to control arabidopsis root meristem cell number. The Plant Cell 29: 2183-2196. (IF=11.3).
4. D. Latrasse, T. Jégu,Li. H, A. Zelicourt, C. Raynaud, S. Legras, A. Gust, O. Samajova, A. Veluchamy, N. Rayapuram, J. S. Ramirez-Prado, O. Kulikova, J. Colcombet, J. Bigeard, B. Genot, T. Bisseling, M. Benhamed, H. Hirt* (2017). MAPK-triggered chromatin reprogramming by histone deacetylase in plant innate immunity. Genome Biology 18:131-142. (IF=13.6).
5. Xing Y#, Liu Y#, Zhang Q, Nie X, Sun Y, Zhang Z,Li H, Fang K, Wang G, Huang H, Bisseling T, Cao Q*, Qin L* (2019). Hybrid de novo genome assembly of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima). GigaScience 8: 1-7. (IF=6.5).
6. Wardhani, T.A., Roswanjaya, Y.P., Dupin, S.,Li, H., Linders, S., Hartog, M., Geurts, R., van Zeijl, A* (2019). Transforming, Genome Editing and Phenotyping the Nitrogen-fixing Tropical Cannabaceae Tree Parasponia andersonii.Journal of Visualized Experiments 150:e59971. (IF=1.4).